We spent some time with friends in Virginia and they were wonderful hosts, treating us to great food and conversation.  Off to explore Washington and then getting rained out in DelMarVa.
So we had a chance to get close to NYC.  There was a parking lot (called a campsite) at a maraina in Jersey City.  We could see Manhattan and the Statue from the site.  It was a 15 minute subway ride away from Manhattan.  Jersey City has cleaned up and we left a lot safer than I thought we would.

NYC offered all of the things you can imagine: museums, the park, the lights, and the sites.  We went to the Museum of Natural History, the Central Park Zoo, up the Empire State building, and took the Staten Island Ferry for uncompromised views of Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty.

Before arriving in NYC we stayed just north of the city.  That gave me the chance to hook up with an old friend, Joe Davidson.  He always helps me with my golf game, and the 2 hours we spent at the range were great.  I can't wait to get out and actually play now.  While I was there Christine and the boys went to the Eli Whitney museum.  They had an activity where they built a car and learned about electricity and motors.  We also went to see a college basketball game, Seton Hall vs. Carleton U.  Well, Carleton didn't have a great game and was missing a couple of players, and lost badly.  I searched the crowd for my old friend Hank (as he is an alumnus of Seton Hall).  I didn't find him, but did learn a couple of days later that he was at the game.  I didn't have a chance to hook  up with Hank, but it was nice to speak with him.

There are a lot of pics in the series below.  Sorry.


    I have realized that I tend to like Chaos.  What could be more chaotic than selling all of your stuff and becoming a nomad for a while.  Heck, it might even be fun, I'll let you know in about a year.


    November 2009



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